JPAD CTAD Abstracts

JPAD (Journal of Prevention of Alzheimer’s Disease)

The JPAD Journal of Prevention of Alzheimer’s Disease publishes reviews, original research articles and short reports to improve our knowledge in the field of Alzheimer prevention including : neurosciences, biomarkers, imaging, epidemiology, public health, physical and cognitive exercise, geroscience, nutrition, risk and protective factors, drug development, trials design, and health economic outcomes.

JPAD is the official journal of the CTAD conference. 

CTAD23 Abstracts are now available for download 


JPAD is entering its second decade 2014-2024

Since 2014, 70 editorial board members and hundreds of reviewers, from major academic institutions in the field of Alzheimer’s disease, have worked daily to review, select, and publish the best papers in the Journal of Prevention of Alzheimer’s Disease (JPAD). The number of submitted manuscript are rapidly increasing every year. The JPAD editorial team and JPAD reviewers have always been rigorous regarding the scientific quality of articles accepted for publication, as well as independence from conflict of interest in the review process. The JPAD leadership requests editorials from external experts when reviews diverge to assure a balanced representation. JPAD accepts industry scientists on the editorial board because they are among the most knowledgeable experts in the field and contribute important perspectives. However, JPAD does not ask members from industry to review clinical trial results due to potential conflicts of interest. When JPAD editorial board members are co-authors of a submitted paper, they are never part of the peer review and decision-making process. JPAD is still a relatively new journal and each year it strives to improve its quality. We are grateful to our authors, readers, and editorial board members for their work to prevent Alzheimer’s disease onset and progression.